Let's just take a moment together
Well hello my fellow Internet lovers. So I know that i have no readers for this but at this point I'm not concerned. i need to write in order to keep it together so that is what i am going to do!!! i guess i should start off by telling you about myself (which i hate doing). So anyways her it goes.
i am 24 years old i was born in Tulsa OK where i still reside. i went to school in Catoosa and pretty much grew up there. i have a lot of memories in that small town of mine and i love it but i will never live there again.
my mom passed away when i was 17 and after that my mom #2 took care of me and she passed when i was 19. my moms said they were never gay but to any on looker it appeared to be so but i don't care two mommies are better then one. no one really knows this but my first mom killed herself by over dose. my second mom passed away of bone cancer. its been really hard without them but i have been taught many things by each of them that i will never forget. we will get more into my moms in another chapter.
my dad is still alive he has been remarried for quite some time and i have a little sister from him whose name is ashley and she is 14. i also have two brothers Matthew who is 23 and Christopher who is 21. my mom had another daughter when i was 15 named Lainie. she is 7 and lives way too far away :(.
aside from my past which we will get more into later I'm a really fun person to be around and i make the best out of any situation. i laugh and joke around a lot and enjoy the company most of my friends. my friends are my rock and without them i would be lost.
i have two beautiful little girls. Whitlee is 5 and Payton is 3. they are my entire world and i would trade them for nothing and everyday that i am living is a day that i am living for them.
so that is all for now i will try to post something again later on today! thanks for reading and i promise to be more interesting in my future posts!!!
i am 24 years old i was born in Tulsa OK where i still reside. i went to school in Catoosa and pretty much grew up there. i have a lot of memories in that small town of mine and i love it but i will never live there again.
my mom passed away when i was 17 and after that my mom #2 took care of me and she passed when i was 19. my moms said they were never gay but to any on looker it appeared to be so but i don't care two mommies are better then one. no one really knows this but my first mom killed herself by over dose. my second mom passed away of bone cancer. its been really hard without them but i have been taught many things by each of them that i will never forget. we will get more into my moms in another chapter.
my dad is still alive he has been remarried for quite some time and i have a little sister from him whose name is ashley and she is 14. i also have two brothers Matthew who is 23 and Christopher who is 21. my mom had another daughter when i was 15 named Lainie. she is 7 and lives way too far away :(.
aside from my past which we will get more into later I'm a really fun person to be around and i make the best out of any situation. i laugh and joke around a lot and enjoy the company most of my friends. my friends are my rock and without them i would be lost.
i have two beautiful little girls. Whitlee is 5 and Payton is 3. they are my entire world and i would trade them for nothing and everyday that i am living is a day that i am living for them.
so that is all for now i will try to post something again later on today! thanks for reading and i promise to be more interesting in my future posts!!!
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