Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. But three times, someone shoot me

Day one. I cry I'm lost, hopeless, and hands tied. I can't sleep alone. The panic attacks,  the terrors. Day two. Something is wrong but what. I investigate.  The phone shows me the answer. The evidence is a dagger that stabs  my heart and twists. questioning confirms how often and how long its been and anger hits. Day three. I search. I sit in the closet in tears hiding from the little girl that calls you her second daddy. I don't want her to see the pain you've caused. Day four. I piece the puzzle slowly together and hurt more. I wish it was cheating instead. Day five. I regroup. Picking up the pieces of everything I've built that you have now torn down. Reminding myself how I was raised. Day six. Deliver apologies to the ones that were fully to blame when in reality it was you. Day seven. I'm getting stronger now. Hearing my mother's words echo in my head. I can and will do this alone. Day eight. I think. I hurt. I decide. And I pack. I can't Do it. The one thing you swore you'd never do had been done. And I'm broken. Physically and emotionally. My soul is broken. Day nine. I start to feel like myself again. I start to feel something more then numb. I see hope for my future. Tomorrow decides everything.  Day ten. I drive. I wait what seems as forever. I see you and just wanna cry and scream yet hold on and never let go. You come home. All you say is sorry. That's it?  You held me bawling as I discovered that it shattered my relationship with my brother and best friend. You heard me say it killed who he was and all I wanted was my little brother back. You cared more about yourself then you did our family. You destroyed our family and an apology is supposed to fix it? If day one would have never happened,  I never would have known bc you took advantage of my stupidity. And yet it's still my fault and I'm guilt tripped into staying. You can't replace trust once it's broken. And its been shattered beyond repair. The beginning was just a front. You were perfect then. You let the one demon that you knew would haunt this home in and didn't care. Day eleven. Why Do you deserve a second chance?

To be continued...


  1. Because I love you I love our family I cannot undo what was done but I can show you with every part of me that you us is all I want it will never happen again I'm sorry I love you just give me a chance to show you how much us meens to me


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