What defines us is how we rise after falling.

             Hello all my lovely readers! First off let me start by thanking all of you! When I started this blog I didn't expect anyone to read. At first my readers were slow coming but since posting my blog on my Facebook and Twitter I have gone from 5 views to 129!!!! AH-MAY-ZING! As promised, after 75 views I was going to attempt to write a poem. Well my dears we are at 129! This means that you are getting the poem you want, but I do need suggestions, advice, etc. etc. on what you want a poem about. If it weren't for my readers there wouldn't be one at all. You can send your suggestions via Facebook (wall post, message, tag, whatever) Twitter, or comment on here. if you wish to remain anonymous you are more then welcome to do so. I am open to any and all suggestions so suggest away!!!

  Enough of all that jazz. Today was an all and all epic day...then I got home. Mondays are always swamped at work and having it be the last day of the month on top of being a Monday, BOOM, double whammy. I had a great day I love my job and all of the people that I work with. I got everything done that I needed to and had ten minutes to spare. EPIC! At my job, we have a security desk, we also have to smoke off property which means we pass this desk 6 times a day. The people that work that desk are generally quiet. Today I went on my last break and our secretary stops me to talk to me. She says to me " hey the security guards asked me to talk to you about something. They told me to ask you to stop putting your Red Bulls in your shirt because they say its distracting " OMG, this is freaking hilarious. For the record I put everything in my tatas when I do not have my purse. My cigarettes, my cell phone, money, everything! No one has ever had an issue. On my breaks, cigarettes and cell phone are in my hands therefore I do not have a free hand. Would you like to walk outside and all the way across the street with me and hold my Red Bull for me? I didn't think so. I thought it was the funniest thing that a bunch of old guys with the exception of one young guy found my tatas " distracting. " You have not insulted me, you have flattered me. I mean I totally understand how hard it is to sit at t a desk browsing the internet all day and occasionally checking someones badge can be and how my cup holder distracts you from you oh so hard daily tasks. You win secuirty guards! Were they not so incredibly unfashionable i would wear a freaking turtle neck all day. Instead, I will now use my jacket as a tied scarf around my neck to hide the girls that way it is oh so very obvious that I am hiding my distractions. good day sir, good day. 

   After work, I had a few errands to run, got to see my Hannah dear and came home and cleaned. Then I got called a dirty whore and it was a "Let's see who can insult the other better" kinda argument. Blah, whatever, I'm done fighting you win I'm not doing it anymore. If you love someone, you work at it. When there is only one person working at it then there really isn't a point anymore. I want it to work but if that's not what you want then stop wasting my time and let me go so I can be a "dirty whore". For the record, I hate liars. You hurt people less when you tell the truth from the get go rather then lying about it for years. From now on every lie I tell won't be "relevant" to whats going on and then I'll get bitched at for that. But I am going to start doing everything that he is doing to me because the funny thing is is he has an issue with me doing things that he does. I'm done changing, I'm done trying, I'm sinking to your level and showing you what I see everyday. Its not pretty is it? You don't like it do you? Then talk about ish instead of blowing it off. I'm sure now that he is aware that I have this blog he will go find it and read it and get butt hurt because I'm "sharing his business." Well news flash its my business and you refuse to listen to me about it or talk to me about it or work on it and I need to let it out somehow. I'm made feel like crap for my past on a daily basis so I change things, I delete people, I stop talking to people. When the same thing bothers me its " oh they were here before you" or  "we have always been friends. " Really? I'm sure all those things apply to the people that I got rid of for you so it stops here. Welcome to the hell that you put me through everyday! You're going to need some water its a tough ride. 

   Well my lovelys that's all of my rant for tonight if I don't post tomorrow odds are he has discovered my blog and I am now single and homeless. Thanks for reading!!!!


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