Hello all, whoever you may be!!
So the reason that I started this blog was to let go of my inter most thoughts and concerns that I hold on to too tightly thinking that it would be easier to reveal my troubles and sorrows to strangers rather then people I know. It was an easy fix so it would seem. There were only two people who I knew that had known about my blog and those two I trusted dearly and knew that no judgement would be passed. As it seems, nothing in this life I lead is private which is why I have decided to just go ahead and let it out to everyone. Later on today when I get off work I will be posting this blog to facebook. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that but if people want to judge me then they can deal with the consequences. Life is about taking chances and that is what I'm doing. It could turn bad or good but everything has an outcome.

 So anyways. Today is a the start of the work week and so far it has been a good day. More eventful then my days usually are I suppose. Over the weekend I went to see my boyfriend as I usually do. It was different then it usually is more intimate I suppose but nonetheless an amazing weekend. I love that man dearly and I hold him very very close to my heart. Second guesses aren't supposed to happen when you love someone fully but they often occur. You spend your whole life looking for your soul mate and when you find that person life feels complete. There is an accomplishment that you feel everyday when you find that one and you feel like you have reached your destination. But the darkness tends to often invade the life and you start second guessing everything. You simply have to find strength in yourself to fight through the darkness to get to the light. The only question is do you have the strength to do so?


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