I dont want to be perfect to everyone, I just want to be perfect in your eyes.

                         There comes a point in every ones life that they want to throw their hands in the air and say “what do you want from me?”  I’m so beyond that point. I have done anything and everything that someone asks of me and its still not good enough. Ive changed so many things about who I am to mold myself into what you see as perfect and It still isn’t enough. I give and give day after today and you take more and more. I know who I am now but I second guess myself. Who was I before? I’ve lost myself and as shocking as that is I let this person take more of me away everyday. The truth is as crazy as it may seem I cant be without this person. Ive tried and I never want to do It again I've never been so hurt over someone before. I love them with every fiber of my being and no matter how much they change who I am as long as I'm with them nothing else in this world matters to me. I often get told that I am changing for this person and get asked why and all I can say is I love them. This person was an exception to everything I used to not like in a person and somehow I fell and I fell hard. No matter what happens and no matter how much I change I know that one thing will stay the same. I'm going to love this person for the rest of my life and I'm never going to let them go no matter what people say. I lost them once and I'm not doing it again. So if change is what I must do to be with this person then change is what I will do to be who this person wants me to be. I'm not OK with changing for anyone but I cannot live without them. The one thing that I can say about this person is he has never lost my trust, he has never hurt me, and he has never cheated on me. This man makes everything in a relationship perfect and I'm not letting go of perfection. So tell me you don’t like him, tell me you don’t agree with the way things are going and tell me that I should leave him and be on my own. I will listen to your comments and questions and concerns but at the end of the day my opinion is the only one that matters. And my opinion is hes the only person in this world for me and I'm never letting him go no matter what.


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