Life's Little Lessons

First of all my deepest and sincere apologies for not writing a new blog sooner. this year has possibly been one of the very worst that I have experienced in a very long time but also one of the best. So here is my year at a glance...enjoy!

         So basically I lost my job at Enterprise the day after my birthday. I still have Coach but that doesn't bring in a lot of money. Life is a struggle the past few days, well, month but its a learning experience. I'm trying my best and it never seems to be good enough for certain people but I am my own person and I'm hanging in there. I lost a lot of friends and did a lot of things that I regret and wish I could take back in the month of December but I know that will never be enough. Kinda like December of 2011. I miss all of my friends at Enterprise and for the most part have maintained to stay in contact with most of them. Doesn't make it any less hard.

     My beautiful daughter Whitlee started kindergarten in August and has shown nothing but her brilliance and beauty as a person. She loves school and has the best teacher I could possibly ask for that continues to help her as well as me in daily struggles of life and learning. I couldn't ask better for my daughter. Payton is sad to see sissy go somewhere without her every morning but understands why. They truly are the best of friends. Makes me jealous that I never had a bond like my wonderful children do.

     The summer of this year brought for me heartbreak as well as romance. In the spring of 2012 Salsa Face Rice Pants and I rekindled a romance and got back together, only later to be broken up yet again. At this point I decided that I was done with him and I was never going back. Oh how things change in a matter of months. I had met a lot of people in the summer and become very close with one and seen him as something that might very well blossom into something beautiful. Therefore Tall Face Sexy Pants was born. One wrong turn and that turned south quickly then I thought. But he is happy now with a beautiful lady and I have nothing but happy thoughts for him and his future along with my happy memories with him. Summer also brought me Soft Face Girl Pants. I destroyed her in more ways then one. Something I wish I could take back and apologize for but nothing will ever be enough. It never was to begin with.

  The Spring was blissful. I was with someone I loved and I blew that too. I regret it but I learned my lesson and all is forgiven. I hate change more then anything, and my year has been filled with it. Over this year I have mended a lot of things and people that I have broken and they have forgiven me. Something I never thought would happen. I am very happy to see someone in my past move on in the future and starting a beautiful family and a wonderful future. I can finally say that I am truly happy for her and lucky that I got a chance to have her in my life. She is an inspiration to all she crosses.

      As a close, all I can say is that this year has had more ups then downs but truly was just one of life's little lessons. I am very thankful for all of the things that I have learned this year and all the people that have crossed my path. Yes, I got way more then i bargained for this year, but I truly could not have asked for a better set of people to spend my year with. Thank you more then words can explain to all those who have made this year the best when it was one of my worst. I love you all so very much.


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