First love is the sweetest but the first cut is the deepest

     OK so looks like I'm back on the posting train!!! I just have so much happiness to share with the world!!! So much has happened in the weekend that I have to share it so here it goes!!!

   OK so I had been forced to move for reasons that I am refusing to get into. Once again I was left with no where and nothing but its my fault that I put myself into these positions. No one else's. Just when I was about to go back to an unsafe environment I ended up being forced out of it. And like she always does in these situations, Doll Face Kitty Pants came through and rescued me. So now I stay with her. She means the world to me and I'll never be able to repay her and no words can ever explain my gratefulness for her. Although I have knocked myself down too many times to explain, I feel like I can finally see the light and see what I need to do for myself and my babies. I have a plan and an idea and plan on sticking to this idea. But all in all I'm more then blessed to have a best friend I can count on no matter what obstacle or disagreement may come between us. She has been my best friend for 14 years and I can truly see her never going anywhere. Love that girl to death.

  Recently, a blast from my past came along. We had started talking but I had my walls up with him. I had been hurt in the past More then once by this person for things that weren't really important. When I was 15, we broke up because we never got to see each other. When I was 20, we weren't together and he was young but it still hurt. Somehow he always finds his way back. I was forced to get advice from my dearest Black Face Dicky Pants. He told me when someone says to me the things that he had said to me that he was serious and to not let him go. I needed proof. We talked every chance that we got and seen each other almost daily. I wanted so bad to let him back in but I was terrified. I kept hearing BFDP's words in my head and talked to Sweet Face Love Pants about my cares and concerns. Everything he said reassured me and I no longer was terrified. Still scared, but not terrified.

 After careful thought and consideration, I let him back in. I have not been this happy in a very very long time and am so thankful to have him back in my life. I hope that he never goes away this time. He says that he wont and I actually believe him. I look forward to an amazing future with him but I will be taking baby steps. So right now the future that I am looking forward to with him is Valentine's day. I absolutely cannot wait to spend the day of love with my first and hopefully last love! Goodnight all and best wishes and luck with your futures!!!


  1. Replies
    1. With the best friend that I have and amazing baby girls and family by my side I feel like it is. Thank you.


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