
Showing posts from January, 2013

First love never dies

     Hello everyone! First off I need to send a shout out to all my lovely readers! We have now reached over 1600 views which I find odd since I am not all that interesting! But thank you anyways!!!     Moving onward! Not a whole hell of a lot is going on aside from the blissful thing life hands us called love! Whitlee is doing fantastic in school and is getting better and better at life each day. Its a wonderful thing watching her mind grow. My best friend in the entire world Doll Face Kitty Pants is happier then I have seen her in a long time and its fantastic. I love that girl to death.   The job search is really going no where and its starting to eat at me more and more everyday. I actually enjoy the cooking and cleaning for the family everyday though which is shocking. I get to spend more time with the kiddos and friends and family so I am trying to stay positive but its becoming more and more difficult. I got approved for my unemplo...

First love is the sweetest but the first cut is the deepest

     OK so looks like I'm back on the posting train!!! I just have so much happiness to share with the world!!! So much has happened in the weekend that I have to share it so here it goes!!!    OK so I had been forced to move for reasons that I am refusing to get into. Once again I was left with no where and nothing but its my fault that I put myself into these positions. No one else's. Just when I was about to go back to an unsafe environment I ended up being forced out of it. And like she always does in these situations, Doll Face Kitty Pants came through and rescued me. So now I stay with her. She means the world to me and I'll never be able to repay her and no words can ever explain my gratefulness for her. Although I have knocked myself down too many times to explain, I feel like I can finally see the light and see what I need to do for myself and my babies. I have a plan and an idea and plan on sticking to this idea. But all in all I'm more then bl...

Life's Little Lessons

First of all my deepest and sincere apologies for not writing a new blog sooner. this year has possibly been one of the very worst that I have experienced in a very long time but also one of the best. So here is my year at a glance...enjoy!          So basically I lost my job at Enterprise the day after my birthday. I still have Coach but that doesn't bring in a lot of money. Life is a struggle the past few days, well, month but its a learning experience. I'm trying my best and it never seems to be good enough for certain people but I am my own person and I'm hanging in there. I lost a lot of friends and did a lot of things that I regret and wish I could take back in the month of December but I know that will never be enough. Kinda like December of 2011. I miss all of my friends at Enterprise and for the most part have maintained to stay in contact with most of them. Doesn't make it any less hard.      My beautiful dau...