True Love Stories Never Have Endings.

OK obviously my life has been way too busy to be posting a blog on the Internet and while we are all being honest I'm a little upset about it. There is a lot of crap that has been going on and here I sit like "OMG WHAT AM I GONNA DO?" Um, hello? The one thing you know how to do...write about that ish!!! I guess I was too busy trying to work on getting my mind of of ish that I forgot that I can write.

OK so since my last post there is so much stuff that has happened that I don't even know where to begin. I'm going to start by giving a shout out to the two very most important people that have helped me through this tough time. I honestly have no idea what I would do without them. Doll face Kitty pants I love you more then you can ever imagine and I couldn't ask for a better friend then you. Ups and downs and all arounds you are there no matter what and I cant live this life without you in it. I love you dearest. Black Face Dicky Pants- I'm still cracking up at that name lol - There are no words in the English language that can express just how much you have helped me. You are the only one on this planet that knows me and I mean really knows me truly deep down. And you're still here. You have shown me and helped guide me to be a better person and even though it might get to me some times I do listen and I do apply what you tell me. Without you I would rip apart at the seams and have no idea how I've made it this long without you. I LOVE YOU BOTH MORE THEN YOU CAN EVER IMAGINE!!! THANK YOU!!!

   OK, so I guess we should start with the fact that I moved. Don't ask where as I will not reveal such things. I'd prefer not to discuss the reasons as to why I am single as most of you can figure it out from past posts. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt and id be lying if i said that i didn't miss it. Some people just simply do not have the capability to love as strong and unconditionally as I do and that hurts. I thought I was really done this time only to be made out to be a fool again. As much as it hurts, I cant go back. With my Kitty pants and Dicky pants I know I'll be able to fight the urge to fall for the games again. I'm stronger then that and I can live my life without this kid in it. I CAN AND WILL DO THIS!

 Even though being single after oh 8 or 9 years has its ups, it has a lot of downs as well. First off my heart is too broken right now to be given to someone else, plus its kinda already taken. Second off I might have what some people can say is an addiction to certain things but you cannot use me. I might be more like a dude then a chick but I have feelings and I'd appreciate it if they were respected.

I will attempt to get more into details at a later time but this has taken me three days to post as it is. The fact of the matter is that I am living my life and enjoying the way I am do it. it has its ups and downs and lately it seems as though there are more downs then ups lately I can get through anything with Doll Face Kitty Pants and Black Face Dicky Pants. Once again I love you guys and thank you for everything you do.

If I receive any texts or emails in regards to what this blog is about and or who it is about you can go ahead and consider the notification ignored. The people that I am talking about in this know who they are and if you don't clearly it has nothing to do with you!!


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