The price of love is loss, but we still pay.

   Ok so as the 57 readers that read my blog yesterday know, my last post has been deleted. Quite frankly im pissed as fuck about having to delete it because my Doll Face Kitty Pants didnt get to read it and it was a freaking good one. I started this blog to get rid of the emotions that I bottle up without having to filter it and it has turned around to bite me in the ass. Now people are getting butt hurt and I'm losing friendships over something that wasnt aimed at anyone so fuck it. I dont give a damn anymore this is for me not you, get to steppin if you feel the need to. BASBHAT. Google it if you dont know it. Live by it if you do.

   As you all know my blog titles are always a quote or something of the sort pertaining to what the blog is about. in finding a title for this one I was faced with two decisions. The one I chose, and "The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost." I turned to my Black Face Dicky Pants and of course Doll Face Kitty Pants for their opinions on it. Doll Face chose the one in which it is and Black face said " I hate both of those. When love is right you dont have to lose anything." If  I would have found someone like this kid years ago before I knew the pain of heart break, I wouldnt be so scared to open up to someone. I have an extreme fear of getting close to someone because every time I do, I lose them. I lost my mom, I lost my second mom, and I might be losing the man that opened my eyes to love in the first place.

The point of this is to really let everyone know that this is MY blog. I have a filter in person and I damn sure am not planning to put one on here. I'm sick of hearing about my blog that is why there is a comments area.. Get out of my face about it. When I say forever I mean it but life has shown me that not everyone does. The Great Wall of Lynzee is up and ain't no one getting past it this time!!!

 Aside from all this I had a weekend that was by far the best I've probably ever had. Stay tuned for all the embarrassing details in a few days.



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