Focus on the person you’re fighting for. Not the person you’re fighting with.

One day it’ll hit you. And you’ll never see it coming. And you’ll give it your all just to realize you can’t do that. Because your all was taking from you over the years. You’ve adapted to your surroundings and become a stranger to yourself. You’ve been beaten down so much that you look in the mirror and don’t recognize the person staring back at you. And when that one person, your angel, you saving grace, your gift from God shows you the life you’ve fought for, you convince yourself that it’s not something you deserve. Because if no one before them could do it then why would it happen for you now? You literally destroy everything in your wake because everything before them has shown you and told you you’re not worthy of the right person to love you. So what do you do? Reset yourself. Relearn yourself. Relove yourself. No one needs a time machine to start over. So this is my rebirth. I’m letting go of the past. The pain. The hurt. And ...