She just wanted someone to help her put all the broken pieces back together again

First of all, screw 2017. 2018 is my year. I’m going to focus on me. Screw everyone else. It’s past due time for me. Y’all, I don’t mind helping. But my give a damn is officially broken. ✌🏼

This year I refuse to put myself out there for fuck boys and girls. You don’t wanna put time and effort into what I have to offer then bye! Your loss because I’m pretty fucking amazing. Don’t call me when you’re fucked up and wanna cuddle. Don’t call me to come fix something someone else broke.  Don’t call me unless you want me. And not just for the night. I understand people have struggles and difficult times in their life. I am the queen of struggle. I am the conqueror of difficult times. I understand that another human has broken you that you feel like there is no repairing what is lost. But I’m telling you there is. No one wants to get hurt in this life. But if no one ever took a chance on something, we would never be able to discover our true selves. And I’m not saying I’m looking for love and commitment right now, but hell if it feels right I’m willing to take a chance. Stop wasting people’s time and fucking with their head. Stop leading people on. It’s just as bad as breaking someone’s heart. Something you yourself are avoiding.

2017 has broken me more than any year possibly could have. But I finally see what I need to do and I’m done giving too much of myself to everyone else and not having nothing for myself. This year I’m not going to be the one you want to call for advice because it’s going to be raw and uncensored and you’re not going to like it. I am so damn broken that I don’t even know who I am anymore. And I’m going to rebuild my broken self back up to my potential. I am starting fresh and doing what’s right this year even if it kills me. And no this is not a New Years resolution. I don’t need a new year to get my shit together. I just needed an awakening. I don’t like my life. So I am changing it. And I suggest you do the same. You’re sick of that fuck boy then get rid of him. You’re sick of that job then get a new one. No situation or event that you went through is why your life is the way it is. Your life is the way it is because you chose that path. You can’t keep walking the same road waiting for it to change unless you chose a different direction. And I’m going my own direction.

Consider this your warning. If you’re standing in my way of greatness then I’m cutting you off. I refuse to let anyone hold me back this year. I refuse to help someone who refuses to help themselves. I refuse to make excuses for anyone else and myself. I refuse to let my past define who I am. And I refuse to struggle anymore. I am finally taking a stand for myself and my children. And I refuse to let anyone hold me back. 2018 is my year not because great things will come my way or wtf ever. 2018 is my year because I am going to take it to better myself and the lives of my children. I’m the one who helps me put the broken pieces back together. I need no one.


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