"God loves all his children" is somehow forgotten.

Before you even begin to read this, if you are against GLBT in anyway shape or form, then please close this and go back to Facebook because your negativity will not be tolerated. Now that that is out of the way, as you all of you know, I am currently in a relationship with a boy. Engaged to him at that, and I love him more then anything. But since I first understood the meaning of it, and seeing the controversy over it, I have never understood why gay people cannot get married. Why can't they be happy too? How does it affect your daily life? Yes I like boys, and I like girls. No I am not selfish, No I am not confused and no this is not a phase. When I was 6 I had a crush on my best friend but I also had a crush on a boy. And yes I am a Christian. They take the pledge of allegiance out of schools because we are "one nation under God" yet gay people are...