Boring Sunday Funday

Been a minute since we all have seen one of these huh? Throwing it back to the MySpace days! Got bored on this lovely Sunday and decided to post this! Enjoy!

What would you be happy doing for hours on end?
Shopping. Definitely shopping.

What is one thing you always disagree on as a couple?
Gosh that's a tough one. Probably where to go for dinner.

What is one thing you always agree on?
Cookies. Chocolate chip cookies lol

What is your favorite olympic event?
Gymnastics by far.

If you had the money to buy your significant other any one thing right now what would you buy them?
This is a trick question because there are lots of things that I want to buy him but he might not want. But above all a mustang.

Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Deaf. They have devices to heal the deaf and I couldn't bear not seeing my beautiful babies faces.

What is one thing you admire about your mother (or mother figure)?
Her mothering skills. I wish her life were a movie so I could watch it over and over again and learn her ways. She was always my best friend.

What food do you HATE?
I hate hate hate the smell of sauerkraut so ill go with that.

Who is your favorite superhero?
I have to choose one? Spider-Man probably. Are ninja turtles super heroes?

What value or principle, if any, are you a true advocate for?
Equal rights.

What will your firstborn daughters name be? (or what would your next daughter's name be?)
Her name was going to be Jodie Elyzabeth Susanne but its Whitlee instead of Jodie. And I can't have any more kids so I'm not about to start naming my next child.

What is your biggest hopping pet peeve?
Biggest pet peeve. Hmm... Probably spitting. That's the only thing that makes me gag. But I have a lot of pet peeves.

If you could have any single superpower what would it be and why?
Flying so I don't have to have a car to go no where.

If you got a life supply subscription to any magazine, what magazine would you choose?
People or cosmo. Good articles lol

What was your favorite subject in elementary school? (lunch and recess don't count)
English class duh.

You just scored $5. What do you spend it on?
Probably gas or cigarettes.

What were your thoughts when you first met your other half?
When I first met him we were in last hour together in 8th grade and he made fun of me for knowing all the answers so I disliked him lol

If you could punch a company/business in the face, who would you want to punch?
Chick fil a

Favorite classic Disney princess?

If you could reincarnate into any animal after you die, what animal would you want to be?
Ummm... A jaguar or cheetah something fast

What did you do on your favorite date with one another?
It was probably In december though it wasn't really a date and we just kicked it and drank

If you had $1,000,000 and you HAD to spend it, what would you do with it? Buy a house, a few off road vehicles, a car for me Ryan and all our kids, and definitely a crotch rocket.

What does your dream vacation look like?
Something in the Caribbean or Australia

Who is your celebrity role model and why?
I don't have one. Like at all. Oprah?

If you had 24 hours left to live, what would you do and why?
Spend every minute I had with The kids and Ryan and all my close friends and my dad. And I'd try to comfort them and make the healing process as good for them as I could.

What is your most embarrassing moment?
That dreaded night in Oklahoma City last summer. Smh

What is your favorite television show?
Family guy

What is your guilty pleasure?
Ben and Jerry's everything but the... I've cream.

When did you first know you were going to marry your spouse?
When I was 15 and we were at rooster days and somehow escaped my parents and were sitting by the river. After that night I knew I loved him and wanted only him forever.

What is your fondest memory as a child?
Christmas when I was 6 and my mom and step dad created a scavenger hint for me to find my giant Winnie the Pooh Present

Your house is on fire. What five items do you grab before you leave?
My poem book, and picture of my mom. That's all I need just two things lol

If you could be/had to be the main character of any movie, who would you be?
Mrs Christian grey. Haha mommy porn readers: you know why!

What physical feature do you love most about yourself?
My butt

Tell us why your name is your name.
My grandma was pregnant with her 6th child and if it was a girl it was going to be named Lindsay so my mom stole the name from her.

What is the greatest place you've ever traveled to?
Texas. Obviously I don't get out much.

Are you a morning person or a night person?
Depends on the day usually a night person.

Who is someone you wish you were closer to?
My real dad.

What quality do you have that you hope your kids inherit?
Caring about others more then myself.

What's your favorite memory with your childhood best friend?
Ah probably laying in my driveway looking at the stars planning our futures.

If you had to move out of the country where would you move to?

What is something weird your spouse does while asleep?
He wakes up and talks to me and doesn't remember it.

Which of the 7 deadly sins are you? ( a nger , greed , sloth , pride , lust , envy , and gluttony )
Gosh that's tough admitting your own faults hmm...maybe anger.

What was your favorite hiding place as a kid?
The bedroom closet

What music artist do you love that your other half hates listening to?
Anything from a musical

What has your other half recently done that made you love them more?
When I was crying about my dad he just rubbed my back to let me know he was there for me.

What is your favorite hole-in-the-wall place to eat? (or favorite restaurant in general)

What do you admire most about your significant other?
How caring, sweet and considerate he is.

Ideally, where would you like to be 5 years from now?
Married and about to buy a house. A career as vet tech.

Who wears the pants?
I wanna say me, but I totally know its him.

What is your favorite/go-to YouTube video?
Either "hey Aaron" or Jenna marbles "what hip hop taught me"

What is something you're scared of?
Clowns, the dark, spiders, losing the people I love.

What is a household chore you HATE doing?
Taking out the trash or cleaning the litter box.

What is something you feel guilty about or wish you had done better this week?
Worked harder at work

Who is your celebrity girl crush?
Megan fox. Mmmm Megan fox.

Future son's name?
Landon... But once again... I can't have kids.

How did you two meet?
In school.

Describe a typical day in your life. (Weekday.)
Wake up at 7:45, get whit up and feed her and get her ready for school, Payton gets in my bed and sleeps with me until we decide to get up, then we get up watch to and make lunch, at 3ish we get whit from school and I either go to work or start making dinner depending on the day then comes bath time and bed time by 9.

What would you like to do when you retire?
Nothing isn't that the point?

What is a talent you wish you were better at?

Describe your other half in 3 words.
Sweet, compassionate, attractive

How did your other half make you feel loved this past week?
He does everyday just by the little things.

What was your biggest hobby as a little kid?
Making bead animals

What about the world makes you sad?
All the starving little children

What about the world makes you happy?

What is your current favorite song?
Started from the bottom by drake

If you weren't currently married/dating your other half, where do you think you would you be?
Single. Forever. Screw everyone.

What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Camping or floating.

What are some traditions that you now share together?
We haven't started one yet

What was your favorite thing that you did this summer?
Oklahoma City trip

How would a classmate have described you in high school?
Class clown

What was a toy from childhood you never had but coveted?
I had everything I wanted as a kid

What is your biggest flaw?
Not fighting for something I love

What do you do on your bad days to make you happy?
Go to a friend or family members house

What does your other half do for you on your bad days to make you happy?
Listens. Entertains me. Makes me completely forget why the day was bad to begin with

When you go to an event/party/potluck, what food do you hope is there?
A main dish lol

What are your favorite smartphone apps?

What is something that always embarrasses you?
It takes a lot to embarrass me

What is some of the best advice your parents have given you?
You don't need a man to be happy

Who is your celebrity man crush?
Robert Downey jr

If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you?
Rachel mcadams

What is your favorite candy bar?
Heath bar

What is the greatest Halloween costume you've ever had?

What is your favorite type/genre of food?

What is a sacrifice you've recently made for your better half?
Nothing I can recall

What music did you grow up on?

Desert island- Only 5 people can be there with you.Who would you want them to be?
Ali, Ryan, Dallas and amber, Ryan Willis. Entertainment. We wouldn't even know we were on a deserted island.

What is your favorite time of day?
Bed time

Who is someone you look up to and why?
Ryan Willis. Raising 4 kids on your own is hard. I can barely do it with two.

What is your favorite Halloween tradition?
Going to Grandmas and taking the kids around. And because nano dresses up like a kid and gets away with it.

If you were a fruit, what would you be?
I don't wanna get eaten!

How are you like your dad and/or how are you like your mom?
I'm like my dad bc I like to work and I'm like my mom bc I like shipping. Too much.

What is your favorite classic Disney movie?
Beauty and the beast

What is your favorite roadtrip snack?
Doritos nacho cheese

What do you do for a living?
Sell coach handbags and accessories

What is something your other half does that took a long time/is taking a long time to get used to?
Takes long showers.

What do you consider "you song?" (or what was your first dance?)
Tim McGraw "she's my kind of rain" and "till my lady day" Jason Aldean

What do you do when you're angry?
Go for a walk.

What is an item of clothing your other half has that you wish they would throw away?
Nothing but I have these yellow basketball shorts that I'm wearing as I type this that he hates.

What is the greatest family vacation you went on as a kid?
Anytime we went to flint creek

Would you want to live in the city, country, or beach?

How do you handle farting in front of each other?
He hates it lol I think it's funny

What is your favorite type of cake?
Chocolate with chocolate icing

What is the first thing you do when you get home from work?
Change into comfy clothes

What is a phrase or word your other half frequently says?
Shit head. I say yeah buddy

Did you exaggerate anything when you were first dating?
No he already knew everything

Who is your others half as a superhero?
He's definitely the hulk.


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